Attend the FREE Financial Literacy Class by IMG Truly Rich Makers

You will learn simple but powerful financial concepts that will change your life.

Does money control you? Or do you control money? Everyday people go to work to make a living, but no matter how hard he work and how much we earn, money always seem to control us.

By attending this session and learning how to become your own money manager, you'll discover that it's doable to understand, plan and build a financial foundation for your family.

You can do it. You can control your future.

What will I learn if i attend the IMG Financial Classes?

Secrets to Saving and Building Your Future 

This class is Personal Financial Management and Investment Class for guest and first time attendees.

– The X-Curve Concept: The Blueprint of Financial Planning

– The Six (6) Steps to Financial Freedom

– How Money Works

– How to Build a Solid Financial Foundation

– How to Become Your Own Money Manager

Financial Workshops and Financial Products and Services Trainings

This Classes are open to enrolled members for continuing learning

– Financial Planning and Goal Setting Workshop

– Getting Out of the Debt Trap

– Investment Principles

– The Spiritual Side of Money

– The Winner’s Mindset

– Estate Planning

– Health Management

Partner's Training - Financial Industry Business

This class is for financial literacy advocates and partners who want to do the mission of helping more families become financially free.

-Leaders' Call

-Partners Training

-Associate Financial Planner Certification

-Licensing Examinations

-Local Conventions

-International Conventions

You said these seminars are FREE?

The Secrets to Saving and Building Your Future seminar is FREE and OPEN for everyone!

The other topics are also free (technically), but it is open only to members of the International Marketing Group.

Will I be sold or forced to buy anything if I attend these seminars?

The answer is a big NO. I understand very well your concern, as that was also my concern before I attended IMG.

IMG is a financial distribution company and they carry a wide range of investment and insurance products and services. They do their best to be a “one-stop shop” for all your financial needs.

However, selling those products and services is NOT the main focus of the IMG. There will be no marketing and no hard-selling of those products when you attend their seminars.

They understand that you are there to learn and increase your financial education. And you have my personal guarantee that you will not be forced to buy anything when you attend these seminars.

Okay, I’m interested to attend. What do I do now?

Just fill out the registration form and wait for the email or text message from us.

Register here!

this will change your financial life. check our schedules.

cant visit our nearest financial center?

Check our online Financial Class


The Secrets to Saving and Building Your Future

Friend, this book is your ticket to upgrading your financial life. Read it, devour it, and share it with people who need a financial revolution in their life.

May your dreams come true,

Bo Sanchez

Why I joined IMG and why you should too...